Friday 30 January 2015

A plague ex-voto from Senez

To finish what has become "plague January", here is splendidly pedestrian 18th-century ex-voto from the former Cathedral of Senez. 

According to its inscription it was given in thanks for miraculous deliverance from the Marseille plague,  granted to the faithful thanks to their invocation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Louis XV and his Queen Marie Leszczyńska, a prominent supporter of the cult of the Sacred Heart kneel to the right. To the left is a Pope, presumably Clement XI, an unidentified bishop - Belsunce? - and a nun, maybe Anne-Madeleine Rémuzat.

There is no clue as to how it fetched up at Senez, though it is slightly ironic since Monseigneur de Belsunce, champion of the Cult of the Sacred Heart, was a leading light in the notorious Council of Embrun which in 1727 sent into exile Jean Soanez, the unfortunate Appellant Bishop of Senez.

Notice of the ex-voto from L'inventaire Général du Patrimoine

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