Monday 27 April 2015

The Temple - en 3D

Watch the infamous Temple tower rise once more against the skyline of modern Paris!

Grez Productions is a small media company which specialises in 3D virtual reconstructions of historic buildings.  Their images have appeared in a number of high-profile French TV programmes and they have worked on several far-flung sites (Leptis Magna in Libya, Koh Ker in Cambodia and Tenochtitlan in Mexico) but their main focus is Paris. To mark  the  journées du Patrimoine of 20th-21st September 2014,  Le Point released a series of seven videos based on their work featuring the lost Gallo-Roman or Medieval landmarks of the French capital. Several of these buildings - the Bastille, the Grand Châtelet, the Temple - disappeared only in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic period. The Grez  website also features an interesting set of reconstructions of the Temple area in about 1802, when it functioned as a market.  Among the lesser known buildings recreated are the  Rotunda of the Temple built in 1788 by the architect Perrard de Montreuil to house shops and commercial concerns and the wooden hangars erected early in the 19th century to accommodate a rag and second-hand clothes market.


GREZ Productions website:
The Temple tower in 1785 (BnF)
Reconstruction of the Temple enclosure 

Le Point dossier: Visite virtuelle dans le Paris disparu

See also:
Association Historique du Temple de Paris

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