Friday 11 March 2016

Unigenitus in the Clementine Library

A second important source of printed material relating to the Unigenitus controversy is to be found not in Paris, but in Washington DC at the Catholic University of America.  In 1928 the University acquired the so-called "Clementine Library", a collection of 10,000 books and pamphets amassed in their palace in Urbino by the Albani family  (of which Pope Clement XI was the most distinguished member).  In 2015 the library announced the completion of a project to catalogue and add to WorldCat one section, the Miscellanea Relativa alla Bolla Unigenitus, a thousand or so pamphlets, manuscripts and other items relating to early 18th-century French Jansenism. The Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections Lenore Rouse has also made the contents accessible via a series of  blog posts

The bound volumes of the Miscellanea Relativa alla Bolla Unigenitus  

CUA Rare Books and Specialist Collections - Clementine Library

The End of the Beginning: CUA Rare Books completes cataloging of the Miscellanea Relativa alla Bolla Unigenitus 21/03/15

1. Unigenitus 101

2. Unveiling Unigenitus:   Rare Books marks the 300th Anniversity of the controversial constitution

3. Unigenitus at 300: Selections from the Miscellanea Relativa alla Bolla Unigenitus.

4. Jansenism in the Albani Library:  Unigenitus 1713-2013

5. Deepening divisions:  Unigenitus 1713-2013: . 16/03/14

Public opinion, protest and litigation:
 -Broadside supposedly by the  tailors' guild of Malaucène in Provence, evoking Gallican liberties and rejecting the imposition of Unigenitus.

 - Lettre d’une dame de Paris au pape sur la Constitution (1714), an early example of a  Jansenist "letter from a lady of quality".

-  Various lawsuits related to the refus des sacraments.

Bishop Soanen and the Council of Embrun

Response of the satirists:  Various pamphets.  This Sarcellade is the only pamphlet in the collection to be illustrated;  the peasants of Sarcelles present their harangue to the Archbishop.

6. The Convulsionary Phenomenon: Unigenitus 1713-2013 01/04/14
Documents relating to the miracles of Saint-Médard  and Louis Basile Carré de Montgeron's  La Vérité des Miracles (1737)

7. Jansenists, Printing, and Censorship: Unigenitus 1713-2013 23/6/14
Various arrêts and notices relating to the condemnation of various Jansenist works, including the Nouvelles ecclésiastiques in 1731.

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