Wednesday 5 February 2020

The Musée Lambinet online

This month the Musée Lambinet in Versailles introduces its new public digital catalogue and virtual exhibition site:

Musée Lambinet Exposition virtuelle

Only a few years ago, the Musée Lambinet in Versailles seemed a sleepy, old-fashioned kind of museum.  Whilst coachloads of visitors queued outside the Palace just down the road,  at the Lambinet you could find yourself completely alone.  It was also hard to track down details of particular exhibits - I remember finding a single photo of a full-sized Houdon seated Voltaire  and being slightly surprised to discover it was really there!
All that has since changed. 

Under its new director Emilie Maisonneuve, the Lambinet is  now a happening place. Its programme of exhibitions and cultural events features prominently on the Versailles municipal website and the museum's Facebook page is full of all sorts of  lectures, themed visits and children's workshops.

An extensive programme of building works and restructuring has been underway since October 2019.

The addition of a public digital catalogue and virtual exhibition space is an essential element in this mix.  An preliminary version went live earlier this month. The new collections en ligne and exposition virtuelle  use the museo collections management system widely employed by French provincial museums,  and are linked to the museum's existing hub on the Versailles website.  The initial offering is 63 items  from the recent "Hidden Treasures" exhibition at the Espace Richaud.  (A bit irritating from my point of view since I really struggled to identify the exhibits for my post in October......!)  This catalogue is really impressive.  The new colour photographs are high quality and the accompanying notes are extensive.  I am certainly looking forward to having more entries, especially for the Lambinet's marvellous Revolutionary pictures and memorabilia.

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