Index of people

Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' (mathematician)
Argens,Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis de (freethinker) Opinions on vampires

Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de  Desk at Waddesdon Manor;   Invents watch escapement 
Belsunce de Castelmoron, Henri François-Xavier de (Bishop of MarseilleIn the Marseille plague 1720
Benoît, Pierre (French adventurer in Argentina) Thought by his descendants to have been Louis XVII
Berruyer, Isaac-Joseph  (Jesuit writerHistory of the people of Godextracts
Bonnet, Charles (Swiss naturalist) Portrait and thoughts on the afterlife
Bougeant, Guillaume-Hyacinthe (Jesuit writerOn the language of animals Exiled to La Flèche
Bourbotte, Pierre (radical deputy, "Martyr of Prairial")
 Condemnation and suicide
Bordelon, abbé Laurent (writer on superstition),  Extravagant Imaginings...of M. Oufle (1711)  
Brissot, Jean-Paul (Girondin deputy) Meets Madame du Barry
Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de On chimpanzees;  On cats;  Experiments with electricity

Carrier, Jean-Baptiste (Revolutionary)  Portraits: OverviewMiniature at Musée Lambinet;  Tussaud guillotined head BiographyEarly yearsSex lifeTrial and execution;  Historical reputation
Carton, Marie Armabade "La Carton" (dancer) On Freemasonry rituals
Casanova, Giacomo  Wins at biribissi;  Directs French lottery
Charton, Angélique-Catherine (diarist) Visits the Madeleine Cemetery in 1793
Chaulieu, abbé Guillaume Amfrye de (poet)Member of the "Society of the Temple";  Attitude to death
Cléry, Jean-Baptiste (Louis XVI's valet)Manuscript of Journal auctioned
Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de (Enlightenment writer & Girondin deputy) Calculates odds at biribi; Suicide 
Collot d'Herbois, Jean-Marie (RevolutionaryAnd the Terror in Lyon
Corday, Charlotte (Assassin of MaratPortrait by P.-A. Wille; Skull
Couthon, Georges (RevolutionaryWheelchairA female admirer ; Portraits

Damiens, Robert-François (unsuccessful regicide)
His coat;  Psychological study
Danton, Georges Jacques (Revolutionary) Exhumes his wife; Portraits; Portraits by David.
Daujon, Francois (sculptor and RevolutionarySaves the Royal familyAnd dechristianisation
Delamarre, Marguerite (nun) Inspires Diderot's La Religieuse
Desloges, Pierre (writer) Defends signing for the deaf
Descloseaux, Pierre-Louis-Olivier, Post-Revolutionary owner of the Madeleine Cemetery 
Diderot, Denis (Enlightenment writerPortrait by FragonardLa Religieuse
DuquesnoyErnest Dominique 
(radical deputy, "Martyr of Prairial") Condemnation and suicide
Duroy, Jean-Michel (radical deputy, "Martyr of Prairial") Condemnation and suicide

Elbée, Maurice Joseph Louis Gigost d' (Vendéen general

Favras, Thomas de Mahy, marquis de  Execution in 1789
Ferry, Nicolas, "Bébé" (dwarf) Life and medical condition; Depictions
Fontenelle, Bernard le Bouvier de (writer ) Attends a ball chez Helvétius
Fouché, Joseph (Revolutionary)  And the Terror in Lyon
Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin (Revolutionary prosecutorWax head at Madame Tussaud's;  In Christmas story by G. Lenotre

Gobel,  Jean-Baptiste-Joseph  (Constitutional Bishop of Paris) Life and career
Goujon, Jean-Marie Claude Alexandre (Radical deputy, "Martyr of Prairial") Friendship with P.-F. Tissot; Condemnation and suicide; Possible survival
Goujon, Jeanne Marguerite Nicole Ricard (Mother of the deputy) Portrait by Adèle Varillat  
Gray, Elizabeth (English follower of the "French Prophets") Life
Gresset, Jean-Baptiste (poet) Vert-vert (poem)
Guadet, Marguerite-Élie (Girondin deputy) Fugitive in Saint-Émilion; Capture and execution

Hardouin, Jean (Jesuit writer) Uncovers atheistical forgeries
Helvétius, Claude-Adrien (Enlightenment writerGives a ball
Hébert, Jacques (Revolutionary) Wax head at Madame Tussaud's
Hornoy, Alexandre-Marie-François de Paule de Dompierre d' Prison memoirs
Juigné, Antoine-Éléonor-Léon Leclerc de (Archbishop of Paris)  During the Revolution

Kingston, James King, Baron Reveals secrets of the Freemasons

Lacy, John (English follower of the "French Prophets") Career as a prophet;  Manuscript of his utterances in the Chetham Library
Lamballe, Marie Louise of Savoy, princesse de BiographyImprisonment and deathCorpse processed around Paris
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François Alexandre Frédéric,duc de  Exile in Bury-St-Edmunds 
La Ville, Marie-Anne de (sorceress) Magical practices
Le Bon, Joseph (Arras Revolutionary) Possible portait by Dominique Doncre
Lessart, Antoine-Claude Nicolas de Valdec de (Royal ministerAnd FreemasonryKilled in Versailles prison massacre 1792
Lenoir, Jean-Charles-Pierre (lieutenant of policeAnecdote concerning his wig
 L'Épée, Abbé Charles-Michel de (teacher of the deaf) Controversies over signing for the deafAnd the "secret child"
Lescombat, Marie-Catherine Taperet (murderess) Trial and execution
Lorimier de Chamilly, Claude-Christophe (Royal valet) Marriage to Thérèse MarsolierCareer as Premier valet de chambre du Roi
Louis XVI, King of France  Blood in a gourdShirtCravatSamples of hair;  Autograph
Louis XVII [Louis-Charles de France]  Autograph sold

Images: Early portraits; Portrait sculptures; Official portrait by Kucharski; By Vigée Lebrun;  By Lecreux; Portraits from the Temple.

Maillard, Marie-Thérèse Davoux, Mlle (actress)  Personifies Liberty in the Fête de la Raison at Notre-Dame
Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France: 
Collections relating to M-A: Château de Cambon; Collection of Michèle Lorin 
Marsollier family (Parisian silk merchants)Portrait of Madame Marsollier by Nattier
Marteihle, Jean (Protestant galley slave)Memoirs
Milley, Claude François (Jesuit mystic) In the Marseille plague 1720
Moët, Jean-Baptiste (author) Code de Cythère (1746)
Moncrif, François-Augustin Paradis de (author) Life and career  Les Chats (1727);  Les Chats (2nd post)
Monnet, Denis (Lyon Revolutionary)  Life and career
Morice, Jean-Gabriel-Philippe (legal clerk & reluctant Revolutionary official) Memoirs of the Revolution; Memoirs ( cont.)
Karl Wilhelm (pretender to the French throne) DNA evidence for claimsOther evidenceHis descendant Charles-Louis de Bourbon

Papillon, Jean-Marie (wood engraver and wallpaper manufacturer) Place in the history of wallpaper
Pâris, François de (Jansenist)  Life;  Life (cont.);   Portrait by Jean de Restout
Pâris Duverney, Joseph (financier) Lost treasure
Philidor, François-André Danican (chess player) BiographyBiography (cont.)Defeats "The Turk"
Pautrizel, Jean-Baptiste Gabriel-Louis Thyrus de (Deputy to the Convention from Guadeloupe) Political career
Pompadour, Madame de "Après nous, le Déluge....."
Pautrizel, Jean-Baptiste Gabriel-Louis Thyrus de (Deputy to the Convention from Guadeloupe) Political career

Raynal, abbé Thomas-Guillaume (Enlightenment writer) Letter to the National Assembly 1791
Rémuzat, Anne-Madeleine (Mystic & exponent of the Cult of the Sacred Heart) Process for beatification 
Réveillon, Jean-Baptiste (wallpaper manufacturer) Career as an entrepreneur;  Wallpaper designs and manufacture;  "Réveillon Riots" of April 1789
Richemont, baron de (pretender to the French throne) Tomb
Contemporary descriptions:  By Madame TussaudBy J.-P. MoriceBy F.-P. Tissot:
Death masks, wax effigies etc. By Madame TussaudHistory and creationEncountered by Jacques-Louis David19th century illustration.
Roland de la Platière, Jean-Marie (Revolutionary) Suicide
Romme, Gilbert (mathematician & radical deputy, "Martyr of Prairial"Condemnation and suicidePossible survival
Rousseau, Jean-Baptiste (poet) Relations with Voltaire
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (Enlightenment writer) His chair;  Table at the Café Procope;  As a chess playerOpinions on vampires

Saint-Albin,  Alexandre Rousselin Corbeau de (Revolutionary & collector) Owned Charlotte Corday's skull
Saint-Just, Louis-Antoine de (RevolutionaryRemembered in BlérancourtPortraits
Saxe, Maurice, Maréchal de  Death and burial
Sérane, Philippe (pedagogue) Revolutionary catechism 
Soubrany, Pierre Aimable (
radical deputy, "Martyr of Prairial"Condemnation and suicide;
Staël, Anne Louise Germaine de (writer) In exile at Juniper Hall, Dorking
Sultzer, Jean-Michel (Revolutionary and master locksmith) Puts a bonnet rouge on the spire of Strasbourg Cathedral.

Thyrus de Pautrizel,  Jean-Baptiste Gabriel-Louis (deputy for Guadeloupe) Life and career; Portrait by David
Tissot, Pierre-François (Revolutionary and writer) Friendship with Jean-Marie Goujon; And the"Martyrs of Prairial"Assessment of Robespierre
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques (Enlightenment thinker and Royal Minister)  Improves stagecoach service

François Rouph de (brother of the marquise de Villette
Killed in October Days
Villette, Charles Michelmarquis de  And Voltaire's heart
Villette, Reine-Philiberte Rouph de Varicourt, marquise de  Brother killed in October Days
Vincent, Jean-Baptiste (member of the Paris CommunePreserves Louis XVI's cravat
Villenave, Mathieu-Guillaume-Thérèse de

Young, Arthur (English agronomist & writer)

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